What Is Direct Primary Care (DPC)?

stethoscope and paper cutout of family on turquoise background

Looking for ways to save on your healthcare expenses? This could be the answer. But what is Direct Primary Care and how can it benefit you?   Over the last 20 years, Direct Primary Care (DPC) has gained traction as an alternative to costly—and complicated—health insurance plans. But what is Direct Primary Care and is […]

Do Allergies Make You Cough?

woman coughing

For some, allergies are a year-round annoyance. But why do allergies make you cough (& what can you do about it)?   For some, it starts as a tickle in the throat. For others, it’s shortness of breath and a tight feeling in the chest. But either way, allergy coughs can be uncomfortable, annoying, and […]

What Is Included In An Annual Physical Exam?

doctor listening to patients chest with stethoscope

Annual wellness visits are an important part of your overall health. Let’s take a closer look at what is included in your annual physical exam.   We all want to find ways to live longer, prevent illness, and experience overall healthier lives. And one of the best ways to accomplish these goals is by getting […]